Ecorend TRX Nano Coat - 25 ltr
Ecorend TRX Nano Coat - 25 ltr
Ecorend TRX Nano Coat is a water based hydrophobic treatment used to provide additional long term waterproofing properties to external render and other masonry surfaces. It can help to prevent efflorescence and algae growth by keeping the substrate drier, TRX also provides increased resistance to dirt pick up and staining.
Suitable Substrate
Concrete, Brick, Stone and Renders
Approx. 0.1-0.2 litres per m2 (Dependent on substrate)
TRX Nano Coat is best applied to the mineral substrate by the airless technique, undiluted and in the desired thickness. Brushes or lambskin roller may be used for smaller areas. Up to 0.1 - 0.2 litres/m² may be applied in one operation to vertical surfaces without loss of material. The exact amount depends on the absorbency of the substrate. Ensure that the substrate is fully saturated.
Silicone Water Repellent, Highly Polymer Modified, Nano Technology, Roller / Brush or Spray Applied, Ready to use, Long Term Protection & Low Maintenance
Technical Data
10˚C - 25˚C for a minimum of 24 hours